Thursday, 29 October 2015
1. It could lower his risk of prostate cancer. According to a study from Harvard Medical School, men who ejaculated more often reduced their risk of developing prostate cancer by 22 percent. Researchers still don't know why that is, but hey, if you needed one more reason to hit that tonight, having your guy avoid getting cancer is a pretty solid one.
2. Your chance of getting a cold goes way, way down. Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that people who had sex at least twice a week released more antigens like immunoglobulin A, which helps fight off colds and the flu, so just think of how healthy you'd be if you had sex all seven days. You'd be basically immortal is what I'm trying to say.
4. It'll help get rid of your heinous menstrual cramps. A study done in 2000 found that 9 percent of 1,900 women were masturbating solely to get rid of their menstrual cramps. There's no way that many masturbating women are wrong.
5. It could make you crazy-fertile, if you're trying to conceive. A new study in Fertility and Sterility found that having sex every day could help prepare your immune system for pregnancy, which is critical in terms of increasing your chances of having a baby.
6. It lowers your blood pressure and your ability to stress out over basically nothing. A2005 study found that people who had penile-vaginal intercourse (their words, not mine) had lower blood pressure and better stress responses than people who didn't (or those who masturbated or had non-penetrative sex), which in theory would mean they were also way more chill. Never a bad thing.
7. Sex can actually make you a super genius. Separate studies by researchers at the University of Maryland and Konkuk University in Seoul, South Korea, found that mice and rats who had sex more often were also less stressed, and since stress makes your brain less able to function, that made them more intelligent thinkers.
So in theory, having sex every single day would make you fertile, live longer, never get sick, and have the brain of a genius. Basically, sex makes you a superhero. That's my takeaway from this.
Freud called female sexuality "the dark continent"; if that's true, male sexuality could qualify as the dark planet. But when it comes to sex, guys are simple, right? Not true. The bedroom is one of the great stages of male performance, and as such, what you see and hear is typically the role, not the reality. It's no wonder, in trying to please the actor, a woman loses sight of a guy's true identity. Here are 10 "unmasking" facts you may want to know:
1. We Respond to Praise
2. We Fear Intimacy…
…but not for the reason you think! Studies have shown that boys are more affectionate, even more expressive, than girls until they reach school age. At that time, social repression begins—of words, thoughts, feelings—and our desire for human connection goes underground. So taboo is this desire for intimacy that its possibility can terrify men—not because it's smothering, but because we realize how desperate we are for it. What's a woman to do? First, understand that your guy's hasty retreat post-sex may be about his own shock at how much he craves a connection with you (and how much he's denied it in life). Then, retreat a little yourself. This gives him time to see that his boyhood habits are, in fact, perfectly manly.
3. We Appreciate Sex for Sex's Sake
Having said that about intimacy, sometimes a little "throw-me-down sex" is the right medicine. According to Joe Kort, PhD, a psychotherapist and sexologist, "Men want their wives to enjoy raw sex, not just endure it or take it personally. For men, it's not about dominating a woman, but ravishing her." On occasion, try letting him ravish you.
4. We Are Not Just Our…
The penis gets all the press, but men have "many erogenous zones," says psychologist Melodie Schaefer, PsyD. "Men tend not to correct women because they're afraid women will shut down and not touch them at all. But there are many places a woman should touch." Like the chest, the inner thighs and face. Two other key areas: Gently gripping a man's testicles can be a real turn-on, as it blends control with release. Also, stimulating the perineum, the area between the scrotum and anus, will heighten pleasure during oral sex.
5. We Encourage Fantasies
"Men want to share their fantasies but worry their wives will shame or judge them," says Dr. Kort. Similarly, Dr. Schaefer reports that men wish women would reveal their imaginings. Want to open yourself to these possibilities? Try making a game of it. First, and most important, promise not to judge the other; then, privately write out scenarios that have tantalized you and place them in a box. When you are next intimate, pull one out. If you're both comfortable, give it a shot. If not, Dr. Kort recommends asking the author a key question: What about this fantasy do you like? Sometimes, its themes can be addressed in different, more comfortable scenarios.
6. We Like It When You Talk
Talking during sex stimulates more than our ears. What kind of talk? Dirty, praising and instructive are great starts. As amusing as it may sound, a woman's words can make a guy feel as potent and virile as a Roman gladiator, even if he's a suburban banker.
7. We Need Your Honesty
Sex can solve the stresses of a relationship, but it's often where the stresses show up. If we complain about a lack of sex (or your doing certain things only on our birthday), we may be overlooking serious issues that underpin such withholding. We need you to enlighten us. The male ego is often tied to sex, so it's easy for us to dismiss bedroom problems as female disinterest rather than issues we have a part in. Avoiding these problems, however, only perpetuates your feeling unseen and our frustration.
8. We Enjoy the Dance
Men like a good quest; unfortunately, these days, there are so few. But romance earns that distinction. Allow us to court you; make us deserve your desire. Dr. Kort makes an additional point: "Emotional intimacy is about closeness, but sustaining sexual desire demands a certain amount of distance." How do couples strike this tricky balance? By allowing each partner to have what he calls "separate sexuality": a sexual life that doesn't include, but doesn't betray, the other. "For him, that might mean allowing his wife to use toys or letting other men look at her; for her, it might be permitting him to watch pornography in order to experience a fantasy." Such indulgences help maintain the balance of desire and devotion for both parties.
9. We Can Explain Pornography
Finding a spouse using pornography is a top reason couples seek counsel, says Dr. Kort, but it shouldn't be overreacted to or pathologized. A few things to clear up: 1. Sex addicts represent only 4 percent of the population, so it's unlikely your man is one. 2. Because childhood experiences influence sexuality as an adult, people are very idiosyncratic about what turns them on. In other words, says Dr. Kort, "no woman can, nor should she, be everything to a man." Still, the question remains: How does a woman not take pornography personally? First, determine if your mate is compulsive, or can only have sex, with pornography. If so, you may want to seek counseling. If not, Dr. Kort recommends taking the secrecy out of pornography by discussing it. Use the lens of "what about it turns him on versus what turns you off." That way, a dialogue is created that allows for honesty, dignity and closeness.
10. We Always Need It, But Not for the Reason You Think
Men are accused of being sexually insatiable, but women should rethink this. "Men see sex as a celebration," says Dr. Schaefer. "They wish women would take more of a 'carpe diem' approach to it. We move through life at the speed of sound, with multiplying challenges and pressures. It's easy to allow demands on our time and energy to rob us of the joy, pleasure and opportunity that sex affords us. On the long list of priorities, it should not be on the bottom rung." If that doesn't make you want to "seize the day" (or something else), consider the health benefits: Orgasms release oxytocin, which has been called the "bonding hormone," bringing couples closer together while it alleviates anxiety and stress, reduces blood pressure and promotes healing.
It can change color. Everyone knows that va-jay-jays come in all shapes and sizes, thanks to genetics, but just because it starts as one color doesn't mean it'll stay that way. "During sexual arousal or pregnancy, blood flow to the genitals changes and that can result in a color change," usually making it a deeper, darker color, saysMichael Krychman, M.D., gynecologist and executive director of the Southern California Center for Sexual Health. Then there's menopause to consider—Dr. Krychman says the loss of estrogen during this stage of a woman's life can also cause the vagina to change color, usually a lighter or more dull shade than before. While we applaud its chameleon-like capabilities, the color versatility is normal and nothing to be concerned about.
It can get bigger. When you're ready to get busy with your man, there's a lot of blood flowing down to the nether regions, and blood vessels in the vagina become dilated. "This causes the vagina and genitopelvic area to become enlarged, which is known as vaginal tenting," says Dr. Krychman. So basically, the more turned on you are, the larger your vagina could potentially grow.
It can get stronger. No, we're not here to tell you to do more Kegels (you already know they can give you a better orgasm). What we want to discuss is your pelvic floor—about 1 in 3 women experience some form of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction (PFMD), and those who do deal with bladder control issues, urine leakage, and pain. And it's not just a problem for older women or those who've had children—Leslie Rickey, M.D., fellowship director of female pelvic medicine at Yale University, says she sees it in patients across every age, including young women in their early 20s who haven't had kids yet.
The good news is that you can do something about it. "Pelvic floor exercises have been shown to be extremely effective as a first-line therapy for bladder control issues," says Dr. Rickey. You can either visit a pelvic floor physical therapist, or do them on your own—there's even an FDA-certified app,PeriCoach, to guide you. "It's like going to the gym for your vagina," explains Dr. Rickey. "There's a small device you can buy that goes in the vagina, and it measures the contraction of your pelvic floor muscles. It'll provide suggestions for how to both strengthen the contraction and the release, which is equally as important—you want to be at a baseline level where your pelvic floor can be completely relaxed."
Otherwise, she suggests cutting down on caffeine, not over-saturating your body with too much water (the Institute of Medicine recommends women drink nine cups per day), and even training your bladder to wait longer between bathroom breaks. And no, it won't cause an infection if you wait about three hours—the average amount of time Dr. Rickey says you should be able to wait when drinking the recommended amount of water—between visits, she says.
It can talk to you. From whether you're in baby-making mode or about to get your period, to if there's a serious health risk like cancer potentially going on, your vagina has a lot of important things it's ready to tell you. You just have to listen. If you notice something different-than-usual is going on, it's usually best to head to the doc to get it checked out.
It could save lives. There's currently a clinical trial testing the safety of endometrial regenerative cells (ERC), or "stem cells," to treat congestive heart failure patients. These stem cells are extracted from menstrual blood and grown to generate different types of cells in the body. In this case, the stem cells are made into muscle cells of the heart. Right now it's just an experimental foreign study, and not something that is being done with any regularity, but you never know—someday it could help patients suffering from heart failure.
It protects itself. In case you were wondering, "the vagina isn't endless," says Dr. Rickey. So there's no chance something—a tampon, condom, menstrual cup, whatever—is going to get lost. "The vagina connects to the uterus, but the cervix acts like a barrier between the two. It would be very difficult for anything to get through the small opening that is there (that's how sperm get through, FYI)."
It can trap a penis. We're not kidding. It's known as penis captivus—a fitting name, if you ask us, as it literally holds a penis captive when it occurs. Dr. Krychman notes that it's an extremely rare phenomena, but it has been reported in several case studies. Basically, what happens is that during intercourse, "the pelvic muscles of the vagina clamp down on the penis much more firmly than usual, which can make it difficult or impossible to remove the penis from the vagina." It might make an extremely awkward (not to mention difficult to navigate) trip to the doctor, but Dr. Krychman says if this happens to call 911 right away, stay calm, and lie very still until help arrives.
It can have four different kinds of orgasm. Last time we checked, guys could only have one. That's not the case for women, as we experience orgasms differently. For us, orgasms can be divided into four categories: clitoral, vaginal, blended, and multiple. A breakdown, according to Dr. Krychman:
- Clitoral: When you orgasm simply through the stimulation of the clitoris, without vaginal penetration.
- Vaginal: An orgasm that's a result of vaginal penetration, primarily, with little or no clitoral stimulation.
- Blended: When you have clitoral, vaginal, and cervical stimulation (cervical stimulation can be painful for some women and pleasurable for others).
- Multiple: What we consider the holy grail, or when a woman slightly relaxes after one orgasm—but not completely—and is then aroused again, resulting in "multiple experiences of orgasmic pleasure in rapid succession."
You can live with two of them. It's rare, but it's possible to be born with uterus didelphys—a condition that essentially causes the vagina to split into two separate cavities. Along with it comes two uteruses and two cervixes, but a "normal" amount of Fallopian tubes and eggs. It also means having two periods every month if the egg in one uterus is released before an egg in the other.
Men have those little blue pills, but until we have our own (pink?) pill, women will have to turn to other treatments to improve sexual vitality. From experimental medications to hormone therapy— and even Viagra itself—we talked to top health experts to find out what works, what doesn't and what's safe for treating female sexual dysfunction.
This over-the-counter drug is believed to help increase sex drive. "A few studies show that it helps older postmenopausal women regain libido," says Sue DeCotiis, MD, author of A Woman's Guide to Sexual Health. However, she adds, the results are limited in scope: The drug, she says, has only been shown to improve sexual function in older women with adrenal insufficiency. Also, it does not have the same effect on younger women.
This over-the-counter drug is believed to help increase sex drive. "A few studies show that it helps older postmenopausal women regain libido," says Sue DeCotiis, MD, author of A Woman's Guide to Sexual Health. However, she adds, the results are limited in scope: The drug, she says, has only been shown to improve sexual function in older women with adrenal insufficiency. Also, it does not have the same effect on younger women.
While this drug isn't yet FDA-approved, a lot of people are talking about it. What is it? A nonhormonal drug that works by increasing certain neurochemicals, noradrenaline and dopamine, which "rebalance the imbalance of brain chemicals associated with acquired hypoactive sexual desire disorder or low sexual interest," says Dr. Goldstein.
Should you take it (when and if it's available)? Recent studies of the drug have been very promising. "…[F]libanserin has been shown to be effective in improving sexual interest," Dr. Goldstein says. The dose of the drug, which is not yet available, is 100 mg taken each night before bedtime. The effect is seen within four weeks and continues to improve over time. Side effects? Drowsiness, but no facial hair!
3. Testosterone Patches or Gels
It may sound odd that the male sex hormone testosterone could improve your sex drive, but sexual health experts have long known about the hormone's potential for treating female sexual dysfunction. Many health experts believe that decreased interest in sex may be related to testosterone deficiencies. "Testosterone has been studied in thousands of women and has been shown to be effective in improving sexual interest, arousal and lubrication, and orgasm frequency and intensity," explains Dr. Goldstein.
3. Testosterone Patches or Gels
It may sound odd that the male sex hormone testosterone could improve your sex drive, but sexual health experts have long known about the hormone's potential for treating female sexual dysfunction. Many health experts believe that decreased interest in sex may be related to testosterone deficiencies. "Testosterone has been studied in thousands of women and has been shown to be effective in improving sexual interest, arousal and lubrication, and orgasm frequency and intensity," explains Dr. Goldstein.
Should you take it? Maybe. "As mentioned in a report in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, over two million prescriptions were written for women in the U.S. in 2006," he says. "Side effects include acne and facial hair growth." But there's a bigger caution, he says: Studies are currently underway to assess breast cancer and heart attack risk with female use of testosterone treatment.
4. Bremelanotide
Known as PT-141, this drug was found to cause sexual arousal after it was developed to be a sunless tanning solution (which Dr. DeCotiis says didn't pan out).
Known as PT-141, this drug was found to cause sexual arousal after it was developed to be a sunless tanning solution (which Dr. DeCotiis says didn't pan out).
Should you take it? No! "It was pulled off the market due to cardiovascular toxicity," she warns.
5. Wellbutrin
You may recognize the name of this drug as a popular antidepressant, but what can it do for your sex drive? It could possibly rev things up, says Dr. DeCotiis. Wellbutrin works by enhancing the production of the neurochemical dopamine, which also aids sexual function.
You may recognize the name of this drug as a popular antidepressant, but what can it do for your sex drive? It could possibly rev things up, says Dr. DeCotiis. Wellbutrin works by enhancing the production of the neurochemical dopamine, which also aids sexual function.
Should you take it? Maybe, but only after careful consideration with your doctor. Dr. Goldstein says studies of Wellbutrin's effect on female sex drive, while small, have shown promising results. "Wellbutrin has been shown to be effective in improving sexual interest," he concludes. But the drug is not without side effects, which can include insomnia and mood changes, including panic and anxiety.
6. Tibolone
It's popular in parts of Europe, but Tibolone was never developed to treat sexual dysfunction. It's an osteoporosis medication for postmenopausal women that was "found to have a positive effect on sexual arousal and lubrication," says Dr. DeCotiis.
It's popular in parts of Europe, but Tibolone was never developed to treat sexual dysfunction. It's an osteoporosis medication for postmenopausal women that was "found to have a positive effect on sexual arousal and lubrication," says Dr. DeCotiis.
7. Viagra
Wait—Viagra for women? "In a recent double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, women with sexual side effects due to antidepressants showed significant improvement, especially in orgasm function, with use of Viagra," says Dr. Goldstein. "The dose is typically 25 mg and is taken an hour or so before sexual activity. Side effects include facial flushing, headache, nasal stuffiness."
Wait—Viagra for women? "In a recent double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, women with sexual side effects due to antidepressants showed significant improvement, especially in orgasm function, with use of Viagra," says Dr. Goldstein. "The dose is typically 25 mg and is taken an hour or so before sexual activity. Side effects include facial flushing, headache, nasal stuffiness."
Should you take it? Possibly, says Dr. Goldstein. "When the hormones are normal, Viagra does increase blood flow to the genitals during sexual arousal," he says. "Women often experience more lubrication, more tissue engorgement and more opportunity for orgasm."
8. L-arginine
This over-the-counter medication, which is an essential amino acid, is believed to be a blood vessel dilator—one that could help get you in the mood. "Use of L-arginine can theoretically improve arousal and engorgement," says Dr. Goldstein.
This over-the-counter medication, which is an essential amino acid, is believed to be a blood vessel dilator—one that could help get you in the mood. "Use of L-arginine can theoretically improve arousal and engorgement," says Dr. Goldstein.
Should you take it? Maybe. But little is known about the side effects of occasional or frequent use of L-arginine, so talk to your doctor before self-treating. And while this product is often praised by vitamin and supplement commercials on late-night TV, Dr. Goldstein is quick to point out that it isn't yet entirely backed up by science. "No studies have confirmed the benefit of use of this agent."
9. Hormone Therapy
You may have heard about hormone therapy as a treatment for symptoms of menopause, but can it do anything for your sex life? In short, says Keehn Hosier, MD, ob-gyn, a physician who practices at Brookwood Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama, hormone therapy may not improve your sex drive, but it could improve sexual function. "Hormone therapy tends to help more with symptoms that prohibit intercourse, including lubrication and vaginal atrophy," he says.
You may have heard about hormone therapy as a treatment for symptoms of menopause, but can it do anything for your sex life? In short, says Keehn Hosier, MD, ob-gyn, a physician who practices at Brookwood Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama, hormone therapy may not improve your sex drive, but it could improve sexual function. "Hormone therapy tends to help more with symptoms that prohibit intercourse, including lubrication and vaginal atrophy," he says.
Sunday, 25 October 2015
i. Cauliflower.
There are plenty of recipes available online on how you can add cauliflower to your meals. Cauliflower and broccoli have similar effects, so add broccoli to your list of foods too.
ii. Carrots.
A study was done on mice who were fed an increased carrot intake, and the study showed that carrots could stop the growth of prostate cancer. Carrot have many other health benefits too, there is no reason not to eat them
iii. Avocado.
Avocados also have a high amount of healthy monounsaturated fat. This is a high-fat fruit, which is definitely interesting, considering how most of the other fruits are very low in fat or even fat free, and avocados can actually help you lose weight and not the reverse.
As a food, they are very versatile. You can make guacamole out of it, add slices to a sandwich or mix in with other fruits to create a juice or smoothie.
iv. Broccoli.
The high fibre levels in broccoli can also help with your digestion, so broccoli is a vegetable that is beneficial for your health to eat often.
v. Tomatoes.
Tomatoes also provide you with lots of antioxidants for your body, and are known to be useful to treat or prevent prostate cancer.
There are many ways to eat tomatoes, it can be eaten raw or cooked with dishes, or blended to make juice as well.
vi. Walnut.
They also contain lots of omega 3, a type of fatty acids that is actually beneficial to our health such as lowering our risk of coronary heart diseases and reducing high cholesterol.
Walnuts are great as a breakfast food or as a snack in between meals.
vii. Garlic.
Garlic is said to be able to stop cancer cells from multiplying and spreading. They also have antiviral and antibacterial effects, acting like antibiotics and can work well especially against fungal infections.
Saturday, 24 October 2015
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
There are the 15 different types of men that women can barely handle for one second, let alone for a long-term relationship.
1. The Baby
This one I particularly cannot stand:
• Whines when you don’t text back fast enough.
• Gets upset when you text back and say “K” or “Ok.”
• Takes it personally if you don’t agree with his opinion on something.
• Cries all the time.
• Doesn’t “even know what to say to you right now” or “can’t even look at you right now.”
• Claims that you had an attitude, were being mean, or were “yelling” over text. IMPOSSIBLE.
• Whines when you don’t text back fast enough.
• Gets upset when you text back and say “K” or “Ok.”
• Takes it personally if you don’t agree with his opinion on something.
• Cries all the time.
• Doesn’t “even know what to say to you right now” or “can’t even look at you right now.”
• Claims that you had an attitude, were being mean, or were “yelling” over text. IMPOSSIBLE.
2. The Bodybuilder
I don’t mind a sexy, fit, muscular guy. TO SOME EXTENT.
• Posts gym selfies every day.
• You can see the veins popping out of his body from a picture taken in a mirror at least 50 yards away from him.
• Looks like he rubs his body down with oil.
• Uses excessive amounts of gym lingo hashtags (i.e.; #swellfie, #swollerexic, #legday#backday#armday#shoulderday, #neverskiplegday).
• Is obsessed with the term “Do you even lift, Bro??”
• Posts gym selfies every day.
• You can see the veins popping out of his body from a picture taken in a mirror at least 50 yards away from him.
• Looks like he rubs his body down with oil.
• Uses excessive amounts of gym lingo hashtags (i.e.; #swellfie, #swollerexic, #legday#backday#armday#shoulderday, #neverskiplegday).
• Is obsessed with the term “Do you even lift, Bro??”
3. The Mama’s Boy
There is nothing wrong with loving your mother. In fact, most women like to think that men who treat their mama with respect will also treat their woman well. But…
• Calls his mom when you get into an argument.
• His mom still pays for everything.
• He suggests that you take advice from his mother on how to cook, clean, and take care of him.
• Insists that you get along with his mother, or he can’t get along with you.
• Says he wants a woman just like his mom.
• Has to run to her every beck and call. (That should be what they do for us.)
• Calls his mom when you get into an argument.
• His mom still pays for everything.
• He suggests that you take advice from his mother on how to cook, clean, and take care of him.
• Insists that you get along with his mother, or he can’t get along with you.
• Says he wants a woman just like his mom.
• Has to run to her every beck and call. (That should be what they do for us.)
4. The Loser
No woman wants a man that could not help us if for some reason we were in a bind and asked for it.
• No job/never had a job.
• (See #3) Mom still pays for everything.
• Sits on the couch all day and plays video games.
• Has their woman supporting them financially.
• No job/never had a job.
• (See #3) Mom still pays for everything.
• Sits on the couch all day and plays video games.
• Has their woman supporting them financially.
5. The Bad Boy
Don’t get me wrong here. I know at some point in every female’s life we are attracted to the bad boys. But when it comes to long-term relationship material, you might want to rethink that one. This one I see to be a little more serious than the rest, and the red flags are severe.
• Constantly in and out of jail/prison.
• Can’t get a job due to criminal history.
• Has ANY—and I mean ANY—prior charges for domestic battery or anything involving him putting his hands on a female.
• Has multiple kids that he can’t/won’t take care of.
• Has multiple (and usually insane) “Baby Mamas.”
• His terms of endearment are: Bitch, Shawty, Li’l Mama, and/or anything that doesn’t make you feel like a WOMAN.
• Talks down to you.
• Uses and/or sells hard drugs.
• And this is my number one for bad boys: TELLS YOU THAT YOU WILL NEVER FIND ANOTHER MAN LIKE HIM, no one will ever love you the way they do, or they are the only ones that could put up with you.
• Constantly in and out of jail/prison.
• Can’t get a job due to criminal history.
• Has ANY—and I mean ANY—prior charges for domestic battery or anything involving him putting his hands on a female.
• Has multiple kids that he can’t/won’t take care of.
• Has multiple (and usually insane) “Baby Mamas.”
• His terms of endearment are: Bitch, Shawty, Li’l Mama, and/or anything that doesn’t make you feel like a WOMAN.
• Talks down to you.
• Uses and/or sells hard drugs.
• And this is my number one for bad boys: TELLS YOU THAT YOU WILL NEVER FIND ANOTHER MAN LIKE HIM, no one will ever love you the way they do, or they are the only ones that could put up with you.
6. The Cheater
This one should be a no-brainer, so instead, I will list signs that he may be cheating:
• Won’t take phone calls in front of you.
• Never wants to take you out with him (all guys need to go out with their buds, and vice-versa), but NEVER…?
• Doesn’t like to take you out in public anymore.
• You find random female items in your house/car that you know are not yours, i.e., panties, makeup, clothing, accessories.
• Has admitted to cheating in previous relationships. If he did it before, he will do it again. And with that statement I would like to add: If he cheated on his previous girlfriend with YOU and left her for YOU, what makes you think he won’t end up doing that to YOU? Oh, and YOU, by the way, are a homewrecker.
• Won’t take phone calls in front of you.
• Never wants to take you out with him (all guys need to go out with their buds, and vice-versa), but NEVER…?
• Doesn’t like to take you out in public anymore.
• You find random female items in your house/car that you know are not yours, i.e., panties, makeup, clothing, accessories.
• Has admitted to cheating in previous relationships. If he did it before, he will do it again. And with that statement I would like to add: If he cheated on his previous girlfriend with YOU and left her for YOU, what makes you think he won’t end up doing that to YOU? Oh, and YOU, by the way, are a homewrecker.
7. The “Asker”
As women, we love the fact that our men could be so sweet as to consider our feelings and opinions by asking us how we feel about something or maybe even just what we want for dinner. But these guys take it to a new extreme.
• “Can I kiss you?”
• This one will take some elaboration, so bear with me: “Can we have sex?” Okay so, if you have been in a relationship for a while and you’re comfortable with each other, the fact that one day he might be like, “C’mon, lets go have sex” and pick you up and carry you off into the bedroom (or kitchen, wherever) is kinda sexy. However, I’m talking about the men that make it uncomfortable on the first couple nights together. Maybe you could be just sitting there getting to know each other, feeling each other out, and in the TOTAL WRONG MOMENT he says, “Can we please have sex?” or “Are you ready to do it yet?” or the worst, “Can we do it again yet?” I mean come on, don’t ask. DON’T ASK. Just let it freaking happen.
• Are you OK?
• Did I do a good job?
• Did you enjoy that?
• Are you sure?
• And of course, mid-pump, all of them at once. “Is this OK, are you enjoying it, do you like this, am I doing it right, do you want me to move…?” On and on and on. Stop. Just stop.
• “Can I kiss you?”
• This one will take some elaboration, so bear with me: “Can we have sex?” Okay so, if you have been in a relationship for a while and you’re comfortable with each other, the fact that one day he might be like, “C’mon, lets go have sex” and pick you up and carry you off into the bedroom (or kitchen, wherever) is kinda sexy. However, I’m talking about the men that make it uncomfortable on the first couple nights together. Maybe you could be just sitting there getting to know each other, feeling each other out, and in the TOTAL WRONG MOMENT he says, “Can we please have sex?” or “Are you ready to do it yet?” or the worst, “Can we do it again yet?” I mean come on, don’t ask. DON’T ASK. Just let it freaking happen.
• Are you OK?
• Did I do a good job?
• Did you enjoy that?
• Are you sure?
• And of course, mid-pump, all of them at once. “Is this OK, are you enjoying it, do you like this, am I doing it right, do you want me to move…?” On and on and on. Stop. Just stop.
8. The Pushy One
Sometimes we all love a little…authority if it can be handled in a sexy manner, but the last thing we want is someone to try to talk us into something we’d rather not do.
• Can’t let the moment carry out and happen, so he immediately tries to stick his hands down your pants.
• Makes you feel guilty every moment you’re not having sex with him.
• Threatens “I’m not going to wait forever.”
• Even with the first conversation you ever have, all he wants to talk about is sex.
• Doesn’t want to take you out, just wants to take you to his place. We all know what that means.
• Can’t let the moment carry out and happen, so he immediately tries to stick his hands down your pants.
• Makes you feel guilty every moment you’re not having sex with him.
• Threatens “I’m not going to wait forever.”
• Even with the first conversation you ever have, all he wants to talk about is sex.
• Doesn’t want to take you out, just wants to take you to his place. We all know what that means.
9. The Pushover
This happens to be the opposite extreme of #8.
• Can’t think for himself.
• Wants “Whatever you want, babe.”
• Won’t, under any circumstances, tell you “NO.”
• Won’t tell you that something is wrong when you ask him, but then gets mad because you didn’t know what was wrong. That’s a female thing; stop it and tell me what the hell I did to piss you off. Don’t be passive-aggressive.
• I know this one sounds awful, but he won’t participate in an argument. I’m talking about the men who cannot stand up for themselves and let their significant other walk all over them. Fight back, you bastard!
• Can’t think for himself.
• Wants “Whatever you want, babe.”
• Won’t, under any circumstances, tell you “NO.”
• Won’t tell you that something is wrong when you ask him, but then gets mad because you didn’t know what was wrong. That’s a female thing; stop it and tell me what the hell I did to piss you off. Don’t be passive-aggressive.
• I know this one sounds awful, but he won’t participate in an argument. I’m talking about the men who cannot stand up for themselves and let their significant other walk all over them. Fight back, you bastard!
10. The Clingy/Controlling One
We all want to feel like someone needs us in their life, but these are some more cases of it being taken to the extreme.
• Won’t leave the house without you/won’t let you leave the house without him.
• If for some reason you’re able to escape, he calls you every ten minutes.
• Wants to know where you are every second of the day, even if you are at work.
• If you miss a phone call, you MUST be cheating.
• Doesn’t trust you—RED FLAG!!!!
• Doesn’t like your girlfriends.
• Wants to share a Facebook account or sit on the same side of the booth as you (because let’s face it, they are equivalent).
• Won’t leave the house without you/won’t let you leave the house without him.
• If for some reason you’re able to escape, he calls you every ten minutes.
• Wants to know where you are every second of the day, even if you are at work.
• If you miss a phone call, you MUST be cheating.
• Doesn’t trust you—RED FLAG!!!!
• Doesn’t like your girlfriends.
• Wants to share a Facebook account or sit on the same side of the booth as you (because let’s face it, they are equivalent).
11. The Demanding One
No one likes to be told what they’re going to do. Period.
• I don’t even need to place examples on this one. Please, stop telling us what we are GOING to do and sit down and have a discussion with us if there is something you don’t particularly like.
• I don’t even need to place examples on this one. Please, stop telling us what we are GOING to do and sit down and have a discussion with us if there is something you don’t particularly like.
12. The Constant Fighter/Complainer
Relationships are supposed to be filled with trust, love, and happiness.
• Starts a fight over the smallest issues.
• Argues with any opinion you have that is not the same as his.
• Always has a bad or negative attitude regarding everything. Come on, make a positive comment for once.
• Cannot just sit down like a normal human being and talk things out like adults. It’s called COMPROMISING.
• Uses bad language or putdowns when he isn’t the happiest with you. Don’t patronize us!
• Starts a fight over the smallest issues.
• Argues with any opinion you have that is not the same as his.
• Always has a bad or negative attitude regarding everything. Come on, make a positive comment for once.
• Cannot just sit down like a normal human being and talk things out like adults. It’s called COMPROMISING.
• Uses bad language or putdowns when he isn’t the happiest with you. Don’t patronize us!
13. The Awkward One
• Doesn’t ever start the conversation.
• Replies with one-word answers when someone else starts it.
• Doesn’t laugh at any attempt of someone else making a joke.
• Doesn’t ever start the conversation.
• Replies with one-word answers when someone else starts it.
• Doesn’t laugh at any attempt of someone else making a joke.
14. The One That Won’t Grow Up
No matter how old we get, we all still like to have fun, but at some point we have to grow up and be adults. I feel like this one is #1-#13 all rolled into one.
• Graduated from high school/college two years ago and still attends the parties that are thrown by the current students.
• Sleeps ’til 1:00 PM every day.
• Wakes up and smokes pot and eats until he falls back asleep again.
• Wakes back up and then attends the parties I mentioned.
• Anyone see a recurring pattern here, or is it just me?
• Graduated from high school/college two years ago and still attends the parties that are thrown by the current students.
• Sleeps ’til 1:00 PM every day.
• Wakes up and smokes pot and eats until he falls back asleep again.
• Wakes back up and then attends the parties I mentioned.
• Anyone see a recurring pattern here, or is it just me?
And finally, last but MOST CERTAINLY not least…in fact, I might even give this the spot of being the number one contender:
If we didn’t reply the first two times, what makes you think we’re going to reply the tenth?
Monday, 19 October 2015
Hey boys, Is she beautiful?
LIKE OUR PAGE on FACEBOOK, ( and we will send you her phone numbers privately on your facebook inbox.
LIKE OUR PAGE on FACEBOOK, ( and we will send you her phone numbers privately on your facebook inbox.
Sunday, 18 October 2015
The ultimate guide to great sex for both of you, brought to you by the editors of Men’s Health. Learn the proven secrets to satisfying her every single time. Ready to get started? Watch our trailer, below, then take a look at the free preview content by clicking the "Free Course Preview" button.
Who doesn’t want to be better in bed? In How to Pleasure a Woman, you’ll discover hundreds of tricks and techniques that will help you do just that. With the help of the world’s top sex scientists and experts—as well as advice and insights from real women—we’ve created the Men’s Health manual for becoming a “master lover.”
In this easy-to-follow course, we give you in minutes what can take a lifetime to learn on your own. From expert instruction to how-to illustrations, you’ll find the answers to all your questions, and solutions to every challenge. All to make every sexual experience you have more fun, exciting, and satisfying—for you and her.
In How to Pleasure a Woman, you’ll find out:
*How to help her achieve climax faster and more often
*The surprising ways you can stimulate her clitoris
*Proven tips for how to be an amazing kisser
*The best ways to use your hands to turn her on
*The dos and don’ts of oral sex
*Everything you ever wanted to know about anal sex
*How to last longer in bed (and why it may matter more to you than to her)
*The best condoms for your pleasure—and for hers
*The best sex positions for her orgasm
*The biggest mistakes guys make during sex
*7 tricks to make YOUR orgasms even better
And much MORE!
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